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All Seasons Pools & Spas, Inc., based in Orland Park, IL, stands as a testament to the enduring legacy of a family-owned business that has thrived through decades of change in the pool and spa industry. Founded in 1954, our company was built on a foundation of commitment to quality, customer satisfaction, and innovation. Over the years, All Seasons Pools & Spas has not only expanded its product offerings and services but also garnered numerous accolades that reflect our status as an industry leader.

Foundational Years

In 1954, Gene and Claudia Mayhall embarked on a journey to create a business that would eventually set standards in the pool and spa industry. With a vision of providing exceptional products and services, the couple laid the groundwork in the family garage for what would become a beacon of excellence in Orland Park and beyond. The initial focus was on offering high-quality pools that families could enjoy for generations. This focus on durability, coupled with impeccable customer service, quickly set All Seasons Pools & Spas apart from its competitors.

Expansion and InnovationAll Seasons 70th Year in Business

As our company grew, so did its range of products and services. Recognizing the evolving needs of our clientele, All Seasons Pools & Spas began to introduce a variety of spa models, patio furniture, and pool accessories, as well as various outdoor living design and contractor services. This has helped us become a one-stop shop for customers in the Chicago area looking to claim a piece of paradise in their back yards.

Innovation has been a key driver of All Seasons Pools & Spas’ success. We have consistently adopted the latest technologies in pool construction, pool service, and maintenance, including energy-efficient systems, advanced water treatment solutions, and automated pool cleaning equipment.

One innovation that All Seasons brought to the Orland region was advocating for opening swimming pools earlier in the first week of April and keeping them open until Halloween. This extension not only gives customers more time to enjoy their pools but also aids in maintaining the pool’s health and durability. The longer a pool is delayed in opening, the more susceptible it can become to damage from increased bacteria and algae levels, as well as the acidic rain that is typical of spring.

All Seasons also took inspiration from the construction industry, which doesn’t take winters off, to inform new ways to work on pool builds no matter the time of year. To prevent ground freezing or to defrost the soil for scheduled pool constructions, All Seasons covers the excavation site with tarps and straw. To assist in ground thaw, they sometimes use electric spa heaters, galvanized wash tubs, and circulating pumps from garden hoses. The method involves laying hoses across the dig area, covering it with blankets and straw. This allows their teams to continue pool builds even during the colder months.

Services Offered

All Seasons Pools & Spas is renowned for our comprehensive range of services, which include custom pool design and construction, pool and spa maintenance, renovations, and repairs. We employ a team of experienced professionals who are dedicated to ensuring that each project is executed with the highest standards of craftsmanship and customer care. Whether it’s a new pool installation or a complex renovation, the team works closely with clients to bring their visions to life while adhering to budget and timeline constraints.

But we don’t just stop at pools and spas. Our experienced design and construction team can transform your back yard into a relaxing paradise with elements including decks, pergolas, outdoor kitchens, fire pits, pavilions, and much more. Find out more about our outdoor living offerings here.

Awards and Recognition

Throughout its history, All Seasons Pools & Spas have been the recipient of numerous industry awards, highlighting its excellence in design, customer service, and innovation. These accolades are a testament to our ongoing commitment to excellence and its ability to surpass industry standards. The awards also reflect our success in creating beautiful, functional, and sustainable outdoor living spaces that enhance the quality of life for our customers. We’re pleased to hold consecutive awards for Top 50 Builder from 2013 to 2019, and from 2021 to 2023. We’ve also been awarded a Top 50 Service Company from 2018 to 2023, and as one of the Top 100 Retail Stores in the Country. The All Seasons’ team has held numerous Regional and National PHTA offices, taught countless industry courses, written articles for trade publications, and been judges for the industry’s International Awards of Excellence. Some of our other awards include:

  • Gold, Silver and Bronze NSPI, APSP and PHTA Awards of Excellence
  • AQUA 100 Winner
  • PHTA Superior Service Award
  • PHTA International Award of Excellence
  • PSN Masters of Design

Community Engagement and Legacy

All Seasons Pools & Spas have always been deeply rooted in the Orland Park community. The company’s involvement in local events, sponsorships, and charitable initiatives demonstrate its commitment to giving back to the community that has supported its growth over the years. From partnering to benefit the Pediatric Oncology Treasure Chest Foundation to providing free educational seminars and water testing training, we always strive to put others first.

The legacy of Gene and Claudia Mayhall lives on through the continued success of All Seasons Pools & Spas. Under the leadership of their son Doug Mayhall since 1982, the company remains dedicated to the founding principles of quality, innovation, and customer service. As it looks to the future, All Seasons Pools & Spas is poised to continue its tradition of excellence, adapting to new trends and technologies in the pool and spa industry while maintaining its commitment to customer satisfaction.

Our 70 years in business speaks more loudly than we ever could about our dedication to the customer and continual persistence in quality and innovation. If you are in the market for a new pool, spa, or backyard oasis, or have an existing pool or spa that could use some help, contact All Seasons today. We respect your time and resources by making sure the job is done right the first time. We service the entire Chicagoland area and can make any of your outdoor living dreams come to life.