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Affordable Luxury at All Seasons Pools & Spas

Fantasy Spas is one of the many lines of hot tubs we sell at All Seasons Pools & Spas, Inc.. Our Orland Park outdoor living center has been proudly serving our community for years with affordable, luxurious hot tubs and spas. Fantasy Spas offers a versatile line of relaxing hot tubs with all the features at affordable prices. If you’ve always wanted a hot tub in your backyard but are worried about the price, you’re in luck. These spas are designed to bring relaxation and massage therapy to everyone – all without sacrificing on luxury or comfort. Stop by our showroom today to learn about Fantasy Spas. Our helpful and friendly staff is here to answer all your questions. We’ve helped hundreds of families and individuals pick out the perfect hot tub for their space and lifestyle. It all starts with a phone call or a visit!

Flexible Financing Options Available, including: 60 month special financing with approved credit. Contact Us for Details.

What Makes Fantasy Spas Special?

As with all the brands we carry, Fantasy Spas brings a unique and luxurious way to relax and entertain. Fantasy Spas is known for its affordable luxury platform. It wants everyone to be able to enjoy the relaxing hot tub experience without having to take out a second mortgage.


  • Simplicity – One of the highlights of these hot tubs is how easy they are to operate. You can plug them in anywhere! You don’t need to worry about additional plumbing, expensive wiring, or redesigning your entire yard. All you need to do is fill the tub with water from your hose, plug it into any standard 110v outlet, and you’re on your way to relaxation.
  • Affordability – By using a rotationally-molded manufacturing process, we’re able to produce spas without excessive labor and materials. This translates to you paying less for your hot tub.
  • Portability – Fantasy Spas’ products are extremely lightweight. This makes them easy to move around your backyard or to your new home when you move. You’re even able to pick yours up from our warehouse if you’d like. Of course, professional delivery is also available.
  • Energy Efficiency – Don’t fret about going over your finances to factor in higher energy bills. Our energy-efficient hot tubs offer low monthly operating costs without having to drop the temperature when not in use. The internal thermostat, energy-efficient full-foam insulation, and locking thermal cover keep the water at the designated temperature without eating up your power. Even in the middle of winter, you’re always just moments away from pure relaxation.
  • Durability – Fantasy Spas’ hot tubs are manufactured using polyethylene resin. A rotationally-molded style forms a unibody hot tub. This creates an affordable, portable, and durable spa. You’ll be able to enjoy your hot tub for years to come without worrying about cracking or damaging the shell or liner.

Learn About Fantasy Spas Today!

At All Seasons Pools & Spas, Inc., we’re always happy to chat with you about Fantasy Spas. The brand has a wide range of styles, features, and sizes, so there’s a spa for everyone. You’ll be able to enjoy a relaxing soak whenever you want, entertain friends and family, and soothe your worries away, all from your own backyard. Stop by our showroom today to get started.

Contact Us Today to Turn Your Dreams into Reality