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Enjoy a Backyard Oasis in Orland Park, IL

Your outdoor living space should be a place of entertainment and relaxation. After we’ve built your perfect pool, it’s time to create a backyard oasis. All Seasons Pools & Spas, Inc. in Orland Park, IL, helps turn your backyard and pool area into a peaceful oasis. Consider your pool the leading star of your backyard area with landscaping playing a vital supporting role. It’s the final touch to elevate your backyard from great to extraordinary. We have swimming pool oasis ideas to help you curate the perfect outdoor living space. Contact us today to learn more about our pool and spa services.

Illuminate Your Outdoor Living Space

Lighting is vital for nighttime pool enjoyment. Consider outdoor lighting, from your pool to fire features, to set the ambiance and enjoy your backyard beyond sunset. It’s an ideal way of adding functionality and atmosphere to your nights. There’s a wide array of options, from Edison lights strung around the pool to dramatic uplighting for taller trees or plants. Neon-colored LED lights inside the pool can also create a great ambiance.

Incorporate a Water Feature

Water features, including waterfalls or fountains, can add a soothing sound or visually pleasing aspect to your pool. They can create a tranquil atmosphere and enhance your swimming experience. We have created countless water features to boost the feel of a backyard oasis.

Invest in Comfortable SeatingSwimming Pool in backyard of Orland Park, IL home

Comfortable poolside seating can greatly enhance the enjoyment of your outdoor space for you and your guests. Options like a tanning ledge or a swim-up bar with poolside stools add comfort and luxury. Think of entertaining friends at your swim-up bar or reading comfortably by the pool. We can help you find the best type of seating that fits your goals.

Design Your Space in Zones

Each room in your house serves a purpose, so the same principle applies to your backyard. Break your backyard oasis down into functional zones, including areas for lounging or dining. You can set up an outdoor kitchen and party area away from the pool while having lounge chairs situated conveniently close to the pool. Using different materials in different zones can visually distinguish each area and clarify its purpose.

Add Pergolas & Pavilions

Unique pergolas and pavilions boost the look and feel of your backyard oasis. We can create a gorgeous pergola or pavilion that fits your specific style goals and needs.

Bring the Kitchen Outside

An outdoor kitchen is the perfect way to cook outdoors while entertaining guests. Party all night while you prepare food on granite countertops with stainless steel appliances. Imagine jumping out of the pool and walking over to your grilling station to get dinner prepared for the night. We can include wine chillers, refrigerators, searing burners, and more.

The Power of Green

Landscaping helps significantly reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. You can boost your backyard oasis feel by choosing the perfect plants. For a low-maintenance option, consider native plants, as they adapt better to your local weather conditions and require less water and upkeep. Avoid planting trees or plants with expansive root systems near the pool, as this could lead to costly repairs. While blooming trees are beautiful, they can create a mess in the pool when their flowers or leaves fall.

Maintain Cleanliness

A professional pool maintenance program is essential for a clean pool, so you’re ready to take a dip anytime. All Seasons Pools & Spas’ PHTA Certified Maintenance Technicians ensure your pool and spa are ready for you. We take care of balanced water chemistry and debris.

Contact All Seasons Pools & Spas, Inc. Today!

Converting your pool into the central attraction of your backyard can seem daunting, but the result is worth it. Take it slow, apply these backyard oasis ideas, and watch your outdoor living space evolve into one of perfection. All Seasons Pools & Spas, Inc. is here to help with all your outdoor living needs. We transform living spaces into those of your dreams. We recommend visiting our online store or stopping by our showroom to check out our work. Contact us today to get started on the backyard of your dreams.