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Homeowners often dream of having a refreshing pool to jump into on a hot day or to enjoy with loved ones during those leisurely breaks from work. But with so many pool designs available, it can be challenging to choose one that fits both your home and lifestyle. Fear not, for we have compiled a list of factors to consider when picking the ideal pool design that complements your home. Whether you’re aiming for an elegant look or merely want a fun, leisurely pool, we have got you covered. Keep reading to find out more!

Measure and Assess the Space you Have

Taking precise measurements of your backyard space can go a long way in helping you decide the right pool size or shape. Nobody wants a pool that takes up way too much space in your garden or leaves too little room for seating areas and other outdoor activities. It would be best to measure the width, length, and height of your outdoor area and consider the amount of sunlight it receives throughout the day. Assess the position of the pool in relation to your home, as this impacts factors such as privacy, security, and accessibility. Our experienced team will help guide you on this and help to create your vision.

Take into Account the Purpose and Functionality

Picking the right pool design that aligns with your lifestyle and the purpose of the pool is crucial. If you’re looking to utilize your outdoor space for entertainment and relaxation, then a stunning infinity pool or a luxurious freeform pool could do the trick. But if safety and fitness are your top priorities, then installing a lap pool or a shallow kids’ pool might be the ideal solution. Make sure to think through every potential use of your pool and select the design that caters to your specific needs.

Decide on a BudgetBack Yard With Two Lounge Chairs And Swimming Pool

How much you’re willing to spend on a pool design is another critical factor to consider. Different pool designs and construction methods come with different cost implications, and you want to make sure you stay within your budget. The goal is to build something that fits your budget while providing the necessary features that are important to you.  Consider the long-term maintenance costs, additional features such as heating and landscaping, and all associated expenses when planning your budget.

Choose the Right Pool Material and Finishes

Pool materials and finishes are crucial in selecting a design that complements your home and is durable enough to retain its beauty for years to come. The most popular materials include vinyl liners, fiberglass as well as gunite. At All Seasons Pools, Spas & Outdoor Living, we build all three and can speak to the durability of the materials, the overall aesthetics and finish, and the compatibility with your home’s architectural design to help you decide which is the best fit for your family and budget. A stunning pool that doesn’t align with your home aesthetics might end up looking awkward rather than elegant. This can be an overwhelming portion of that planning process, but asking a professional builder is key to understand what materials and finishes work for your vision.

Different Types of Pools to Consider

Choosing the right pool type can make a significant difference in how much you enjoy your pool:

  • In-Ground Pools: In-ground pools are a classic choice for homeowners who want a high-end, permanent option in their backyard. These pools are customizable and add significant value to your home.
  • Above-Ground Pools: Above-ground pools offer a more affordable and temporary option for homeowners. These pools are significantly cheaper and easier to install compared to in-ground pools.
  • Lap Pools: If you enjoy lap swimming for exercise, then a lap pool is an excellent choice. These pools are designed specifically for swimming laps and take up much less space compared to traditional pools.
  • Plunge Pools: Plunge pools are a smaller option that usually range from four to seven feet deep. They are perfect for smaller backyards or those who want a pool for relaxation and lounging. These pools are designed to keep you cool on hot days without breaking the bank on maintenance and upkeep. The addition of swim stream equipment, which creates current for use in swimming in place and resistance exercises, these pools can be a great source of physical activity and expercise as well.
  • Infinity Edge Pools: Infinity edge pools provide a unique, dramatic design that blends into the environment. These pools are designed to create the illusion of an endless horizon and are often located on a slope or hillside overlooking a stunning view. They are significantly more expensive than traditional pool options and require extensive maintenance and upkeep.

Find the Right Pool Contractor

Working with reputable and professional pool contractors who specialize in pool installation is essential in getting the pool that meets your requirements. Find contractors with extensive experience, a creative design team, and a transparent process. Besides, choose contractors who work with high-quality materials and have a keen attention to detail in their work. The right contractor will help you throughout the entire process, from design to installation to regular upkeep and maintenance.

All Seasons Pools, Spas & Outdoor Living has been an award winning Chicago area leader for construction, service and retail services since 1954. As the most certified pool company in the Midwest, including the Certified Building Professional and Certified Service Professional designations from the Pool and Hot Tub Alliance, as well as being one of very few Midwest companies with certifications in hardscapes installations from the Concrete Masonry & Hardscapes Association (CMHA), you can be assured that your project will not only be beautiful when done, but that it will be efficient, long lasting, and the envy of the neighborhood.

Contact the Pros at All Seasons Pools, Spas & Outdoor Living Today for More Information!

Pool installation is a significant investment that will enhance your property’s value and increase the enjoyment of your outdoor space. At All Seasons Pools, Spas & Outdoor Living in Orland Park, IL, we pride ourselves on offering high-quality pool design and installation services that cater to our clients’ specific needs. Contact us today at 708-349-2222 and let us help you make that dream pool a reality.